investment planning

Make 2024 Your Best Financial Year Yet

Make 2024 Your Best Financial Year Yet

Many of us reflect on our yearly financial goals as the calendar turns to a New Year. But bringing goals to fruition can't happen without a clear plan of action and determined effort. This is especially true as we continue to live with lingering effects of above-average inflation and the highest interest rates in over 20 years. To help maximize your investment success and end this year on a financially positive note, we have put together some key ideas:

All-Weather Investing

There is almost always chatter in the media about the next possible correction or recession. The most recent buzz is about a possible US recession where Canada would likely follow suit. The chatter also includes opinions about a "soft" versus a "hard" landing, etc. The primary challenge for individuals trying to build wealth is that this background noise (chatter) has nothing to do with…you!

Warren Buffett Wisdom

Investment icon Warren Buffett says there's wisdom in being "fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful." 1 He first gave this advice in 1986 and has re-iterated it over the past few decades during times of financial uncertainty: 9/11 in 2001, the 2008 mortgage crisis, the 2011 Black Monday crash and the 2020 global pandemic.

Don't Give Up on Growth

If you are a prudent investor, then you have a financial retirement plan that will ensure you have sufficient funds for the lifestyle you envision after you stop working. What constitutes sufficient depends on your ambitions and your hobbies, and also on how long you live. People are living longer, and it's not unreasonable to think that you could live into your 90s.

Key Ideas for Wealth Building Success

January 2023

From listening to the media and online commentators, we have identified two key observations that can impact your efforts to build assets and wealth over time.

The first is the way many individual investors place one-way bets on their market investments. As long as the investment is making money, all is good. But the minute the investment sinks for a couple of days or goes negative (relative to their starting capital), they quickly sell.


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